Wednesday, April 1, 2009

what already is

writing a few songs to add to the 'getting over myself' theme... :-)

reading and listening lately to some cool insight from different places...

friends, authors, wisdom from Job, doubting thomases, joy in the unexpected places, like severe thunderstorms, and my children, my husband, the weight of wilderness stories from close friends.... just a few, but soooo rich and i'm gaining! gain of hope, faith, joy, love.. the fruit of god's spirit i'm learning more about through all of these and more~

here's a start to the first verse..

looking left and right
but it's right here
in front of you.
tired of putting up a fight
so alone-and you wonder
where to go, what to do
yet all along,
as you strive for more,
what you need the most is this...

not something new
just knowing what already is