U GO GIRL!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! (debbie, noelle, and tricia kellogg)
here's debs website: http://www.the3day.org/site/TR/Walk/ArizonaEvent?px=1314658&pg=personal&fr_id=1180&et=kTMivmbP003diCBBF11haQ..&s_tafId=1322
i found several 'finds on debs' and her cause today when i was looking up articles and info on the walk! (since i'm over in texas, i can't be there.. boohoo! so i'm trying to find pictures and anything on this special moment)
http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/101066 (i copied/pasted the part where they quoted my friend!) :-) coolness!!
One woman, Debbie Evans, got involved because she met women with breast cancer and her children.
“It’s so hard for me to imagine, because I have young daughters, what it is like for these women to know that they may not be around to watch their daughters grow up and to protect them,” Evans said. “I’m walking for those women, and their children.”
Evans had a shirt made for the walk with the pictures of women who sponsored her, and said she wants them to be with her as she walks in some way, since she they can not walk themselves.
http://www.azcentral.com/ent/calendar/articles/2008/07/31/20080731sr-arts0801taste.html (back in july this year)
SCOTTSDALE - Under different circumstances, Noel Monteith might participate in the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk across Arizona.
Monteith is a 38-year-old woman who loves life.
But she is undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Chemotherapy days exhaust her.
So two of her friends, Debbie Evans and Tricia Kellogg, are making her a "virtual partner" when they join the walk Nov. 14-16.
But first, on Saturday, they're hosting A Taste for a Cure, a wine tasting at the WineStyles wine and gift boutique in Scottsdale to raise money for Monteith's entry fee and a $2,200 pledge.
All proceeds will be donated to the Breast Cancer 3-Day.
"Noel was a woman full of life," Evans said of her longtime friend who was diagnosed in March. Both are members of Grace Chapel of Scottsdale. "Now she's had to put her life on hold."
Monteith also has put her job on hold as she undergoes cancer treatment. She is not married and has no children. Evans and Kellogg wanted to show their friend she has a support system.
They and other friends have become her family.
"It's been a very rough road for her," Evans said. "I want her to know people are praying for her across the country."
Evans will carry a pair of Monteith's walking shoes during November's walk and hopes to bring them to closing ceremonies.
When WineStyles owner Kara Lewis heard Evans' story, she was eager to help.
"I thought that was really cute, so we're hosting the wine tasting," she said.
Among wines being sampled are a Two Brothers syrah and a riesling, and a Mewsling riesling in a cat-shaped bottle.
Dozens of prizes also have been donated for a raffle and silent auction, including items from all of Arizona's sports teams.
"Everybody has stepped up to he plate," Evans said.
WineStyles will provide appetizers.
"We want people to donate and feel they're coming out with something," Evans said. "They're not just giving money."
thank you debs! i am grateful that i met you through your little sister, amy (a beauty dear friend of mine!!) you inspire me and you bless me! i am thankful that you are with my abuela delma today! (on your shirt!hehehe) thanks... i'm tearing up a bit, and just remembering her today. bless you for carrying HOPE for so many women! love you~
1 comment:
mmmmmmmm...Lis, you made me cry by reading this! I get to pick up my hermana today after her first day.. yay! Can't wait to see her and squeeze her neck :) I saw her shirt and it is awesome! I will give a kissie to your abuelita! :)
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