Sunday, December 14, 2008

jammin' jamaican jaxon!!

i just had to share these pictures of our jax!

he was with laur and bud playing friday night in laur's room, and he found the mickey mouse (ears) jamaican hat! we love that hat! bought it at disneyworld when i was preg with the jaxster! (2006/after christmas vacation with the in-laws)

i'm enjoying this windy sunday at home, but hope to get out later/75 degrees outside! but tonight.. the 30's are coming.. hehehe

so maybe rain late tonight and tomorrow and tuesday with cold winds... so! i will play today! and clean and cook tomorrow!! yeayeayea! ;-)

the 12 days of christmas started today at midnight!.. i wonder what christmas 'spirit' will be found for us coles!! ;-) soon to come... hohoho!! joyjoyjoy!! merrymerrymerry!!


Anonymous said...

love the wild child!! we all have a little jaxy in us somewhere. it was quiet this morning so i came on to read a little and order 'a room called remember'. it was honoring to find the picture of your ~sing~ necklace posted. really overjoyed to know that it blessed you so. merry christmas dear friend. la duni's ahead!!! sally o

Melody Plainview said...

That is hilariously adorable! The dreads/braids were funny by themselves, but then I noticed the Mickey ears. Ha ha! Thanks for sharing the giggle!