ANTS speak. Spiritually, speaking. :)
The day after our water heater, air conditioning, & washer were all fixed, guess who came to "visit". Uninvited. Unwanted. Unliked.
ANTS. They may be your favorite insect, or friend, or maybe foe &/or annoying pests.. Either way, my eyes witnessed 100's and 100's of these little guys marching and trailing inside my home. Around the sink, Around my coffee makers, Around the stove, Around the kitchen & den floors.
After a few days of waking up to "new ants", I realized that there was more to this than killing them w/spray & being exposed to poison, myself.
"esplain, Lisi!" (hehe.. had to put that in there.. i am cuban, and the saying, 'esplain, lucy' always reminds me of me)
Well.... I have discovered a few times in my life, recently being a bit more annoying... That someone close to me has spoken things that are poisonous to others. We are all entitled to our own opinions/observations about others in our lives, but we should try to speak encouraging words or truthful thoughts of them, rather than the opposite. destruction & "doo doo". haha! :) you know what i mean..
Okay.. so, the ANTS represent those words spoken of those that "share". The poison are those sharing words. So I decided to go for the ROOT of the problem. Thought it through. Got some pest COMBAT that attracts the ANTS, and they take the "goods" to their cultivating nest, and WHAM! they are destroyed.
The interesting thing is the ANTS are searching for WATER. They are parched, perhaps. Thirsty? If they could communicate better w/us human kind, I would have gladly put out a bucket of cold WATER for them. yep. I sure would. :)
If you notice, the ANTS destroy themselves, pretty much. They don't know how to make the connection, because their main interest is their NEED. Their WANT.
Alright. I am trying not to share too much in analogies, but they seem to bombard my life, my mind, my soul. So, I go with it. Maybe you can relate w/me a bit.
The conclusion... I don't see ANTS around the same place ever. They are really clever! They forge themselves into the cracks & crevices of other places. But I am alert. Not too upset anymore. They will come. They will go. It is life. The REAL life.
I have more COMBAT if they decide to invade again... But I will continue cooking, and going about my business here @in my own Cole Casita. And i see the ANTS outside, & smile. They belong outside.
Cool analogies! Aren't they intriguing? I have found myself fascinated by them many a time. I also have found that paprika or comet (cleanser) work well to keep them away. I've also seen luck with corn meal, which expands once it's been eaten and kills them. All of these reduce the need for poisons :) Best of luck to you!!
absolutely! and thank you.... i've read that, too. those are great choices.. especially compared to poison/sprays/chemicals... and so happy to report.. NO ANTS! :) so surprised.. weeks ago, gone, gone gone.. now.. it's wasps, trying to sneak in before the winter months to come.. hehe :) bless you and thank you for sharing, antonia!
This was refreshing! I like your style. Yes, the ants belong outside :)
Patrina <")>><
warrior bride in boots
so nice to meet you, patrina! thanks for commenting, and for your kindness.. blessings to you! lisette
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