Sunday, October 5, 2008


a lot of people like the fall. i do too.. but, i thought about it a bit today.
change. lots and lots of it. leaves, weather, elected officials, food, smells, flowers, style/clothes, my children (growing).. just to name a few...
change is a noun but it's also a verb.
this season is about change for me, spiritually... day by day in this fall time, i'm reminded of this simple word. change. it's inevitable and it can be mysteriously altering, inspiring, and moving.
i read numbers 10 and 11 in the bible.. i long to be uprooted of any 'wilderness complaining ways' as my hungry, changing heart asks, seeks and knocks at His door daily.. stability does not mean lack of change, but moving with God in every circumstance. (life application study bible)
God's presence helps me handle change, and it's comforting to know that HE never changes. yea!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love this, Lis!

Oh my... loved what you said...stability does not mean lack of change, but moving with God in every circumstance. Woo hoo!!! So so good! I think that has to be also what trusting Him and His heart and HIS future is too. That even tho it doesn't turn out the way "I" thought that it would, I trust that Lord, Your heart is good and that Your plans for my life are good. Ouch!! Jesus Jesus help me!! ;D

Good word! Thankyou for that hiney kickin' this morning!